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Fentanyl Death Pose

fentanyl death pose

You have a teenager who’s started to want more freedom. They go out with friends, and you try your best to make sure they’re safe, but you still worry as any parent would. You've heard about the “opioid epidemic” in passing before. You've also heard about fentanyl and how dangerous it is. You've seen posts on Facebook about it before and even discussed it with friends and relatives. Is this something that kids are trying? How common is fentanyl? You even heard about fentanyl-laced weed before. You tried to send an article to your teen, but they told you not to worry.

Recently, however, you were getting ready for your day. You were sitting down for breakfast and decided to check KGW8, the local Portland news outlet. As you were scrolling and sipping your coffee, a headline caught your eye, “Young Teen Found in Fentanyl Death Pose.” Images flash through your mind about finding your kid in a situation like that, or them finding a friend the same way. What is the fentanyl death pose? How can you prevent it from happening to your teen?

As the oldest non-profit in the state, our team at Serenity Lane has seen many different trends and expressions come and go in the world of substance use. Staying on top of new information and making sure we have informative pieces to help our community learn, too, is important to us. With fentanyl use on the rise in Oregon and an average of 5 people dying every week from opioid-related overdoses, we wanted to touch on this topic. Today, we're talking about the fentanyl death pose and why it happens.

fatal fentanyl overdose

What Is the Fentanyl Death Pose?

The term “fentanyl death pose” is one that has been coined by the media after a few instances of finding overdose victims in a stiff position. These victims were found with locked limbs, usually with their muscles tensed. With the help of naloxone, which can help stop an opioid overdose, these side effects went away and they were able to receive medical assistance.

What Causes Fentanyl Death Pose?

The phenomenon of the “fentanyl death pose” isn’t very clear-cut yet, as there haven’t been a large number of cases in which it has occurred. What we do know, however, is that fentanyl death is a reaction caused by an overdose, and it doesn’t mean someone has died from fentanyl use.

Why doesn’t it happen in every instance? What are the factors that can lead to someone experiencing the “fentanyl death pose?”

Fentanyl Overdose and “Death Pose” Risk Factors

The current leading theories about risks that can increase the chance of someone experiencing muscle stiffening during an overdose include things like old age, rapid injection, high doses of fentanyl, Parkinson’s disease, and other medications in your body.

The only surefire way to prevent yourself or a loved one from experiencing a fentanyl death pose is to avoid fentanyl use in the first place.

How to Prevent Fentanyl Death Pose or a Fatal Fentanyl Overdose

So, how do fentanyl overdoses occur? Is it something you can easily avoid?

A fentanyl overdose occurs when there’s too much of the substance, or multiple substances, in the body. Your system becomes overwhelmed and begins to shut down. The concern revolving around fentanyl, however, is it’s entirely possible to ingest fentanyl without ever knowing.

Fentanyl lacing has been on the rise throughout the country. Fentanyl, being a very powerful, fully synthetic opioid, is cheap to manufacture. Because of this, dealers often utilize fentanyl to lace their substances and make a higher profit. Unfortunately, fentanyl is not easily detectable with the naked eye, so it often goes unnoticed. Due to its sheer potency, this can often lead to a person taking a large amount of fentanyl without realizing it until an overdose is already happening.

There are still ways you can be vigilant, however. Fentanyl testing strips are legal in the state of Oregon. Some facilities and care centers might offer free ones, but they can also be purchased directly from Amazon and shipped straight to your home. Having fentanyl testing strips on hand and being able to ascertain if any substances you wish to ingest are safe can help save lives and prevent the fentanyl death pose.

causes fentanyl death pose


Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Options Near Portland, Oregon

Substance use disorders, especially opioid use disorders, are not always easy to address on your own. They’re not simple, black-and-white problems, and often have multiple facets that need to be addressed in order to best help the person involved, as well as those around them.

If you or a loved one has ever experienced an overdose, that might be the final straw that pushes you towards treatment. This isn’t uncommon. Finding a friend or loved one in a fentanyl death pose can be terrifying. While our team at Serenity Lane is not emergency services, once an overdose is properly addressed, we’re here and ready to help.

We have fentanyl addiction treatment services which include everything from detox to inpatient and outpatient programming. For opioid addiction in particular, a strong detox program can help set you up for success. Opioid withdrawal and detoxification is not a pleasant process on its own, but with our team of trained and licensed medical professionals at your side, we can help ensure your comfort and safety during the whole process.

From there, usually starting towards the end of the detox, we integrate patients into our inpatient programming. This provides a safe and steady environment surrounded by fellow peers and caring staff who will help support you along the way. Building a community can be beneficial to long-term recovery, and it’s one of our goals to see our clients feel that support during every step of their recovery journey.

We know how deep addiction can run and impact, which is why we offer not only the full continuum of care but also a variety of evidence-based treatment options to address any concerns you may have. We want to help you find a treatment plan that works for you, and heal any corner that you’re concerned with.

Serenity Lane Addiction Treatment

If you’re looking to get started on your recovery, whether you’re new or returning, our team at Serenity Lane is ready to be there for you. You can give us a call anytime at (800) 543-9905 to get started, even if you just have some questions you want to ask. We want to offer our support no matter what step you’re on.

Serenity Lane800-543-9905

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